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That's that thing called "Life"

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Citeren10.02.20140 likes

Now that's that thing called "Life", is that is always changing, sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down.I can tell that now, be aware of that. Things are not gonna work out exactly right, sometimes the will! Sometimes! And that's when life's just playing a game with you.I don't wanna play anymore.I don't care how good you are, I don´t care how talented you are, I don't care how much you work on yourself,there are some times, that things aren't go right. There's just not going to go right.There are times when anything that can happen, will happen.But during those down moments, that's where the growth takes place.That´s where the work is. See, anybody can feel good when they have their health, their bills are pay, they have happy relationships.Anybody can be positive then!

Anybody can have a logic vision then,

anybody can have faith under those kind of circumstances.

See what the real challenge,the real challenge of growth, mentally, emotionally and spiritually comes when you get knock down!!!!

Citeren17.02.20141 likes

Morgen is altijd na vandaag,
gisteren is vandaag voorbij.
Als ik morgen wil veranderen,
had ik het gisteren moeten doen.

Maar vandaag is weer voorbij..
Dus wordt het echt weer morgen,
want dat had ik gisteren beloofd.
Maar gisteren is verleden tijd..

Vandaag ga ik het anders doen.
Gisteren ben ik het vergeten..
Eergisteren had ik het moeten doen,
dus doe ik het gewoon morgen..


Citeren18.02.20141 likes

Allebei heel mooi :)

Ik leef van dag tot dag en zie wel wat er morgen komt,

wat in het verleden gebeurd is, is gebeurd.

Yesterday is History, Today is a Gift & Tomorrow is a Mystery


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